New curriculum requirements have increased standardized testing, scripted teaching and computer based instruction. As schools implement Common Core teaching methods, multi-sensory, experiential and project based learning are being pushed aside. Unlike English and Math, Social Studies does not have national standards or tests. Potentially, Social Studies can provide a base for unstandardized instruction that meets the needs of all learners.
MME produces innovative music based resources that engage the interests of students, especially those who have diverse intelligences and experiential learning styles. Our curriculum resources are developed by teams of
educators and recording artists who create educational songs, music video and movement based activities. We produce original music to match classroom and online environments, with Digital Learning Projects to engage students, "Lyrical Footnotes" for academic content, and rockin' hip hoppin' music filled with hooks.
Cultural anthropology, brain based learning research and the classroom experience of teachers all tell us that the integration of music & movement within educational activities can deepen the learning experience for many students.
Free Samples: MME
Singles & YouTube Social Studies videos
MME Digital Learning Projects
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