MME Social Studies Singles
Singles are thematic songs featuring original MME music in diverse styles & Lyrical Footnotes,
which provide content information about people, places and events referenced in song lyrics.


US History Periodization US Women US-Native American Periodization Chief Seattle's Web of Life African-American History Christopher Columbus Benjamin Franklin's Proverbs Declaration Preamble Independence Jeffereson Sojourner Truth Causes of the Civil War A House Divided Civil War Battles Honest Abe Gettysburg Address American Labor Chinese Railroad Workers Immigrants Margaret Sanger Model-T Causes of the Great Depression The New Deal Dubois' Vision Ask Not MLK Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights MovementCesar Chavez Jimmy Carter Baghdad Falling


Hinduism 5 Pillars of Islam Greek SPA Roman Empire: Decline & Fall Robespierre Nelson Mandela's Inaugural


The Bill of Rights Checks & Balances Electoral College Democrats & Republicans 1st Amendment and Student Speech US Presidents